Colophon to Collected Ancient Inscriptions

Colophon to Collected Ancient Inscriptions

  • Image Number: K2B000065N000000000PAH
  • Dynasty: Song dynasty
  • Category: Calligraphic works
  • Author: 歐陽修
  • Form:
  • Exhibition dimension: 27.2×171.2
  • Description:
    Ouyang Xiu (1007-1072) was named Yongshu, Zuiweng and Liuyi. He is from Luling (now Ji’an), Jiangxi Province. The whole volume is written in regular script. It is elegant, refined, and precise. The pen is light in horizontal and heavy in vertical. The lifting and pressing are clear. It seems calm and flexible. There are four sections in the book, namely, “Stele of Huashan Mountain in the Western Han Dynasty”, “Stele of Yang Jun in the Han Dynasty”, “Literary Biography of Tang Dynasty and Lu Dynasty”, and “Records of Plants and Plants in Pingquan Mountain”, which were written in one volume in the first year of Zhiping (1064). The content is different from the printed version of “Postscript of Ancient Records”, and should be the manuscript at that time.

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