bowl BM-PDF.828

Period:Qing dynasty Production date:1723-1735
Technique:glazed, painted,

Dimensions:Diameter: 127 millimetres Height: 63 millimetres

Porcelain bowl. The bowl has a fine white body. There are prunus trees in blossom painted in sepia, a poem of ten characters in black, and three seals in pink enamel on the exterior. A pair with PDF 827.
图片[1]-bowl BM-PDF.828-China Archive 图片[2]-bowl BM-PDF.828-China Archive

Comments:Published PDF date : Qing Yongzheng 1723-1735 Room 95 label text:PDF 828Bowl with prunus flowers and poems Under court instructions, this bowl was decorated in shades of black enamel with winter-flowering plum trees, a ten character poem and with three puce enamel seals. Sir Percival David bought them from Alfred E. Hippisley (AD 1848–1939), a British Customs official in China who translated the poems in AD1900. A century later, the poem月幌見踈影, 墨池聞暗香 (yue huang jian shu ying; mo chi wen an xiang) translates more literally as ‘The moon ripples (and I) see the shadow of a branch moving; at the ink-black pool you can smell the secret fragrance’. The seal before the poems reads 先春 (xian chun ‘early spring’); and the two after the poem read 古月(guyue ‘ancient moon’); and 香清 (xiang qing ‘pure fragrance’). The winter-flowering plum design derives from traditional and contemporary Qing ink painting. On the base is a four-character Yongzheng mark in a double square in blue enamel. Porcelain with transparent glaze made in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province, overglaze enamels added in Beijing素瓷器: 江西景德鎮燒製; 北京加琺瑯彩Qing dynasty, Yongzheng mark and period, AD1723–35 PDF 827/PDF 282梅花詩文碗按照朝廷的旨意,這對碗以深淺不同的黑彩來描繪冬季盛開的梅花,並配有兩句五言短詩及三枚褐色印章。大維德爵士當年從阿佛萊德∙希皮斯裏先生(Alfred E. Hippisley, 1842-1940年)處買下了這對碗。希皮斯裏曾是英國海關駐中國官員,他曾在1900年翻譯過這首詩:“月幌見踈影,墨池聞暗香。”詩首有一枚方章,曰:“先春”;詩末則有兩枚印章,曰:“古月”、“清香”。這首18世紀短詩的靈感可能來自於北宋初年著名隱逸詩人林逋(965-1026年)的名句。林逋生性淡漠名利,經常將詩作隨手丟棄。純以黑彩來描繪盛放的梅花,使人直接聯想到同時期傳統的清代水墨畫。這對品質卓越的碗非常罕見。在北京與臺北故宮博物院的皇家珍藏以外極少發現。窯工們在景德鎮禦窯廠燒制出白瓷胎,而北京皇宮的宮廷畫師們在白瓷胎上加彩作畫,再放入低溫爐內二次燒成。過去的學者和收藏家們稱這種頂級品質、在皇宮內加彩的瓷器為“古月軒”器。雖然“古月”印章的確出現在這類瓷器的某些器物上,但最近的研究現實清宮其實並沒有名為“古月軒”的地方,故“古月軒”器這一術語逐漸不再使用。現在,它們更多地被稱為“琺瑯彩”。這對碗底部帶藍料雙框四字“雍正年制”款。瓷器,江西省景德鎮燒素面白瓷,北京加釉上琺瑯彩清代,雍正,雍正款,1723-1735年
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