Period:Qing dynasty Production date:1800-1911
Dimensions:Diameter: 168 millimetres Height: 69 millimetres
Guangdong stoneware bowl with sixteen roughly cut foliations. The bowl has a buff body and pale grey glaze with crackle stained mid-grey. There is an impressed seal on the base, which is unglazed. The base and foot are covered in dark reddish-brown slip.
![图片[4]-bowl BM-PDF-A.79-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00826469_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Qing late 18thC Room 95 label text:PDF A79Bowl with seal markLike other successful ceramic-producing centres, Shiwan is too hilly for a flourishing farming industry, but has plentiful supplies of wood to fuel the kilns and is close to a network of rivers for easy transportation of finished goods. Selected Shiwan pieces such as this are signed by their makers. Connoiseurs regarded these marks as a brand of authenticity and quality. One can trace some potters’ histories using these marks through local family genealogies. A mark on the base reads: 就正軒造 Jiuzheng xuan zao ‘Made for the Jiuzheng studio’Stoneware with guan-type crackled glaze Shiwan (pronounced Shekwan in Cantonese) ware石灣窯Foshan, Nanhai county, Guangdong province, 廣東省, 南海縣, 佛山Qing dynasty, about AD 1800–1911 PDF A79方章款碗與其他成功的陶瓷生產中心相似,多丘陵的石灣地區並不適於發展農業,但卻能為燒窯提供充足的木材燃料,同時,又因其地理位置緊臨河網,成品運輸便利。石灣佳作署有工匠標記。鑒賞家們將這些標記視作代表真品和質量的品牌。借助這些款識和當地的家譜,可以探索某些陶工的經歷。外底有款識“就正軒造”(意為就正軒製造)。炻器,仿官開片釉石灣窯廣東省南海縣佛山(今佛山市南海區)清代,約1800-1911年
Dimensions:Diameter: 168 millimetres Height: 69 millimetres
Guangdong stoneware bowl with sixteen roughly cut foliations. The bowl has a buff body and pale grey glaze with crackle stained mid-grey. There is an impressed seal on the base, which is unglazed. The base and foot are covered in dark reddish-brown slip.
![图片[1]-bowl BM-PDF-A.79-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00385106_001.jpg)
![图片[2]-bowl BM-PDF-A.79-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00385107_001.jpg)
![图片[3]-bowl BM-PDF-A.79-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00826468_001.jpg)
![图片[4]-bowl BM-PDF-A.79-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00826469_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Qing late 18thC Room 95 label text:PDF A79Bowl with seal markLike other successful ceramic-producing centres, Shiwan is too hilly for a flourishing farming industry, but has plentiful supplies of wood to fuel the kilns and is close to a network of rivers for easy transportation of finished goods. Selected Shiwan pieces such as this are signed by their makers. Connoiseurs regarded these marks as a brand of authenticity and quality. One can trace some potters’ histories using these marks through local family genealogies. A mark on the base reads: 就正軒造 Jiuzheng xuan zao ‘Made for the Jiuzheng studio’Stoneware with guan-type crackled glaze Shiwan (pronounced Shekwan in Cantonese) ware石灣窯Foshan, Nanhai county, Guangdong province, 廣東省, 南海縣, 佛山Qing dynasty, about AD 1800–1911 PDF A79方章款碗與其他成功的陶瓷生產中心相似,多丘陵的石灣地區並不適於發展農業,但卻能為燒窯提供充足的木材燃料,同時,又因其地理位置緊臨河網,成品運輸便利。石灣佳作署有工匠標記。鑒賞家們將這些標記視作代表真品和質量的品牌。借助這些款識和當地的家譜,可以探索某些陶工的經歷。外底有款識“就正軒造”(意為就正軒製造)。炻器,仿官開片釉石灣窯廣東省南海縣佛山(今佛山市南海區)清代,約1800-1911年
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