Period:Ming dynasty Production date:1522-1566
Materials:porcelain, gold,
Technique:underglazed, kinrande,
Dimensions:Diameter: 122 millimetres Height: 62 millimetres
Porcelain bowl with rounded sides. The bowl is blue with kinrande gilt leaf scrolls around exterior rim. There is a lotus spray with a diaper around the rim in underglaze blue on interior. There is a mark in underglaze blue on the base.
![图片[2]-bowl BM-PDF.510-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00371009_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Ming 16th century Room 95 label text:PDF 510Blue bowl with kinrande decorationThe bowl is decorated inside in underglaze blue with a lotus spray. It is covered outside with a blue glaze ground and cut out gold foil which was incised and fired at a low temperature. This decorative technique is known by the Japanese term 金襴手 (kinrande gold brocade style’). The gold wears away from the porcelain which is why so much of the detail is missing. This bowl is painted in underglaze blue on the base with a mark which reads富貴佳器 (fu gui jia qi ‘Fine vessel for riches and honour’).Porcelain with underglaze cobalt-blue, blue glaze and gilding Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province 江西省, 景德鎮Ming dynasty, Jiajing period, AD1522–1566 PDF 510藍釉金彩碗此碗內底繪青花蓮花紋,外壁以藍釉為地,上以雕刻金箔為飾,并低溫燒成。這種裝飾技法在日本被稱作“金襴手”(Kinrande)。金彩易磨損,因此紋飾多有脫落。此碗外底書釉下青花“富貴佳器” (意為富有與尊貴所用上好器皿)款識。瓷器,釉下青花款,藍釉,金彩江西省景德鎮明代,嘉靖,1522-1566年
Materials:porcelain, gold,
Technique:underglazed, kinrande,
Dimensions:Diameter: 122 millimetres Height: 62 millimetres
Porcelain bowl with rounded sides. The bowl is blue with kinrande gilt leaf scrolls around exterior rim. There is a lotus spray with a diaper around the rim in underglaze blue on interior. There is a mark in underglaze blue on the base.
![图片[1]-bowl BM-PDF.510-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00371004_001.jpg)
![图片[2]-bowl BM-PDF.510-China Archive]( dynasty/Ceramics/mid_00371009_001.jpg)
Comments:Published PDF date : Ming 16th century Room 95 label text:PDF 510Blue bowl with kinrande decorationThe bowl is decorated inside in underglaze blue with a lotus spray. It is covered outside with a blue glaze ground and cut out gold foil which was incised and fired at a low temperature. This decorative technique is known by the Japanese term 金襴手 (kinrande gold brocade style’). The gold wears away from the porcelain which is why so much of the detail is missing. This bowl is painted in underglaze blue on the base with a mark which reads富貴佳器 (fu gui jia qi ‘Fine vessel for riches and honour’).Porcelain with underglaze cobalt-blue, blue glaze and gilding Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province 江西省, 景德鎮Ming dynasty, Jiajing period, AD1522–1566 PDF 510藍釉金彩碗此碗內底繪青花蓮花紋,外壁以藍釉為地,上以雕刻金箔為飾,并低溫燒成。這種裝飾技法在日本被稱作“金襴手”(Kinrande)。金彩易磨損,因此紋飾多有脫落。此碗外底書釉下青花“富貴佳器” (意為富有與尊貴所用上好器皿)款識。瓷器,釉下青花款,藍釉,金彩江西省景德鎮明代,嘉靖,1522-1566年
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