Letter Requesting Advice

Letter Requesting Advice

  • Image Number: K2B000238N000000001PAA
  • Dynasty: Song dynasty
  • Category: Calligraphic works
  • Author: 李建中
  • Form: 冊(蝴蝶裝‧方幅式)
  • Exhibition dimension: 31.2×44.4;30.6×28.4;30.8×28.2;30.6×28.3;30.6×31.8
  • Description:
    Li Jianzhong (945-1013), a native of Shu (present-day Sichuan) in the Northern Song Dynasty, was named Dezhong. In the eighth year of the Taiping Revitalization (983), he was a scholar, and he was a doctor of Taichang, a doctor of Zhijixian Academy, and a doctor of the Ministry of Works. In his later years, when he lived in Xijing (now Luoyang, Henan Province), he was deeply attracted by the local customs and customs. He asked for three times to stay in Xijing to guard the Imperial Platform, which was called “Li Heti”. The recipient of this post is unknown. It is speculated that it should be written in my later years. The overall structure is rigorous, with a circle in the square of the brush, and the lines are plump and honest. Although most of them show the influence of Yan Zhenqing and Yang Ning’s style, there are also traces of the two kings, revealing the calligraphy style of the early Song Dynasty.

宋十二名家法書 冊 宋李建中書諮

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