Ode to Peonies

Ode to Peonies

  • Image Number: K2B000242N000000001PAA
  • Dynasty: Song dynasty
  • Category: Calligraphic works
  • Author: 宋徽宗
  • Form: 冊(蝴蝶裝)
  • Description:
    Zhao Ji (1082-1135) is the Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty. A calligrapher and painter in the Northern Song Dynasty. The son of God, the king of Zhezong. Before he ascended the throne, he was good at writing and studying the painting of the imperial palace. Communication with Wang □, Zhao Lingrang, Huang Tingjian, Wu Yuanyu, etc. During his reign (1100-1125), political corruption and extravagance led Cai Jing, Tong Guan and other power traitors to control the government and implement the policy of “guarding the interior but not the exterior”. Peasants in Hebei, Shandong, Jiangnan and other places staged riots. In December of the seventh year of Xuanhe’s reign (January 1126 AD), Zhao Huan (Emperor Qinzong) passed the throne and called himself the “Supreme Emperor”. In the second year of Jingkang’s reign (1127), he and Emperor Qinzong were captured by Jin soldiers and died in the city of five countries (now Yilan, Heilongjiang). During his reign, he collected a wide range of cultural relics, calligraphy and painting from previous dynasties, which was very popular; He was personally in charge of the Hanlin Painting Academy, and made his ministers edit Xuanhe Shupu, Xuanhe Huapu, Xuanhe Bogutou and other books. Ren Mi Fu, a doctor of calligraphy and painting, gave the painters of the Academy a gold purple fish bag and ranked the Academy above other academies (books, zither, chess, etc.). Song Zifang was appointed as the main examiner, and painters were selected by imperial examination, which contributed to the promotion and advocacy of painting art. He is good at calligraphy. He learned from Xue Yao in real calligraphy and Huang Tingjian in cursive calligraphy. Later, he created a “thin gold body” with a thin strength as sharp as “bending iron and breaking gold”. “Tieweishan Cong Tan” said: “Yuling (Zhao Ji) wrote Huang Tingjian’s calligraphy, which later became a method.” The book handed down from generation to generation&# 36857; There are authentic books and cursive “Thousand Words Volume”, which are now collected in Shanghai Museum. Painting was taught by Wu Yuanyu, inherited Cui Bai’s style, attached importance to sketching, and was famous for its exquisite and lifelike style; It is said that the industrial flowers and birds can be highlighted with raw lacquer. He thinks that when drawing a peacock, he must first use his left foot. After observation, he spoke as expected. Also good at landscapes and characters. It is reputed as a “wonderful body for all walks, with all laws”. However, some of the works are ghostwritten by experts in the painting academy. After the painting, the characters are printed with “Tianshui”, “Xuanhe”, “Zhenghe” small □, or the seal characters of insect fish are printed with ladles, and the characters are often printed with “One Man in the World”. The works handed down from generation to generation include “The Painting of Lotus and Golden Pheasant”, which is now collected in the Palace Museum in Beijing; “The Painting of Wild Goose in Willow Sugar”, Tibet Shanghai Museum; The volume of “The Painting of Madame Zhang Xuanguo’s Spring outing” is collected in Liaoning Provincial Museum.

宋代墨寶 冊 宋徽宗書牡丹詩

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