bi BM-2022-3034.193

Period:Han dynasty Production date:4thC BC- 1stC BC
Technique:carved, polished (?), incised, bevelled,
Dimensions:Diameter: 21 centimetres

Bi of dark green translucent jade with veining and speckling polished to a good gloss.
图片[1]-bi BM-2022-3034.193-China Archive

Comments:The bi is divided into two main zones, one is bevelled-cut carved with four taotie maks with large eyes, broad nose, and curled horns. A broad band rises from between the horns and bifurcate into two long whorls on either side of the mask. The second zone is carved into hexagons incised with spiral curls. A narrow striated strip divides the two main zones whilst plain borders encircle the inner and outer rims.See Rawson 1995 pp.253-234, This disc has the usual narrow flanges around the outside and at the centre. It is divided into two principal zones by a narrow striated border. In the outer one is a design in bevelled and narrow incised lines that comprises four animal heads surrounded by a long scroll intertwined to form a continuous pattern. The animal heads, which derive ultimately from the compositions in gold or stippling on bronze face outwards towards the edge of the disc. They have a bovine appearance, with large eyes, rounded noses and curled horns. There are small areas of incised criss-cross patterns on the tops of the heads, a detail derived from granulation patterns on gold or their imitations in bronze. Long scrolls are skilfully intertwined, so as to accommodate on a flat surface in a narrow band the bodies and limbs of creatures of the type originally seen on openwork pendants. The central area is covered by a criss-cross pattern, forming faceted bumps, which are embellished with incised scrolls. These facets catch the light and gleam as the disc is moved. The deep lines within the animal border likewise reflect the light strongly.
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