Xu Beihong’s Loquat Fruit Map Axis

[Xu Beihong’s Painting Axis of Loquat Fruit]

The Painting Axis of Loquat Fruit, in modern times, is painted by Xu Beihong, in paper, with colors, 111 centimeters vertically and 53.2 centimeters horizontally
Self title: “Every time you have a good harvest, you will know the season. On that day, you will be deeply acquainted with Duke Li. On the day of the Spring of Yihai, you will feel sad and prosperous.” The seal “King Sun of the East China Sea” is printed in white
The year of Yihai was 1935, and Xu Beihong was 40 years old
Draw a branch of a loquat tree. Under the warm wind, the branches and leaves overlap, and the golden loquat aroma overflows, exuding the mature beauty of the harvest season
The author directly points out dyeing and ink using the capitalized method of deep ink, without seeking the appearance of objects, but only seeking changes in the dryness, wetness, and intensity of the pen and ink on the highly absorbent raw rice paper. The juicy freshness and vividness of the fruits and leaves appear in the dripping ink. The entire picture shows Xu Beihong’s unique understanding of the emotional and ink interests of Chinese literati freehand brushwork
The seal “King Sun of the East China Sea” on the picture is one of Xu Beihong’s favorite seals in Chinese painting. Xu Beihong’s hometown, Yixing, Jiangsu, is near the East China Sea. In the early Tang Dynasty, Xu Maogong, a great general, was granted the title of Duke of Donghai County for his outstanding military achievements. Xu Beihong’s seal not only expresses his pride as a descendant of the Xu family in the East China Sea, but also adds legendary color and a certain amount of antiquity to his paintings.
图片[1]-Xu Beihong’s Loquat Fruit Map Axis-China Archive

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