Remaining Steles of the Three Kingdoms Stone Sutra “Shangshu” and “Spring and Autumn”

[The Three Body Stone Scriptures of the Three Kingdoms: The Shang Shu and the Spring and Autumn Annals]

The Three Body Stone Scriptures: The Shang Shu and the Spring and Autumn Annals were carved during the Zhengshi period of the Wei Dynasty (204-249) in the Three Kingdoms period. They were carved in ink, with one paper on each side of the tablet and one paper on each side. They were mounted on opposite screens. Each screen is 245 centimeters vertically and 110 centimeters horizontally. Mr. Ma Heng donated gifts< The seal of the Stele Yang Seal Collection includes: "The Three Body Stone Sutra of Cao Wei was purchased from Ding's Ganpu in Renchen, Huangxian, Guangxu", "The Remnants of the Wei Stone Sutra in General Zhai", and "Ma Hengshu Ping". In addition, in the 14th year of the Republic of China (1925), the Spring Horse Heng Postscript: … to fill the five stones. The inscription "Si Qian" in the Shang Shu is an old collection of the Ding family in Huangxian County, which was unearthed 20 years ago. This book can be called the sufficient book of this monument today. "If there is more to come in the future, it should be supplemented."
In March of the 18th year of the Republic of China (1929), Ma Heng wrote in his postscript: “This copy was both assembled and many rubbings of residual stones were obtained. It can be confirmed that the fragments of this monument… all sixteen stones were filled in the second order. After being covered and assembled, the characters have been filled three times.”
According to Mr. Ma Heng’s postscript, this Wei Santi stone scripture was chiseled into two sections the day after it was unearthed in Luoyang in the 11th year of the Republic of China (1922), Therefore, the original rubbings of the unbroken period are even more precious, and Mr. Ma Heng went to Luoyang three times to obtain this copy. However, on this rubbings, in addition to the large pieces of residual stones, Mr. Ma Heng also took great pains to verify the text sequence and position of the many small residual stone rubbings collected, and tried to assemble and restore them on the shaft.
图片[1]-Remaining Steles of the Three Kingdoms Stone Sutra “Shangshu” and “Spring and Autumn”-China Archive
图片[2]-Remaining Steles of the Three Kingdoms Stone Sutra “Shangshu” and “Spring and Autumn”-China Archive魏三体石经《尚书》、《春秋》残碑(碑阴)

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