Ming Yellow Solid Yarn Embroidered Green Bamboo Branch Women’s Single ‘0611’ Clothing

Ming Huang Solid Ground Yarn Embroidered Green Bamboo Branch Women’s Single “0611” Clothes “

Ming Huang Solid Ground Yarn Embroidered Green Bamboo Branch Women’s Single” 0611 “Clothes, Qing Tongzhi, body length 140 centimeters, two sleeves length 112 centimeters, cuff width 33 centimeters, hem width 116 centimeters, left and right train length 79 centimeters. The old collection of the Qing Palace
The shirt has a round neck, a large front with a right lapel, short flat cuffs, and a train that opens left and right
The “0611” garment is made of bright yellow field yarn with a two-tone green silk thread embroidered with bamboo branches. Add a stone cyan embroidered bamboo field yarn and two taped ribbons around the body as a side decoration, and adorn the two armpits with Ruyi cloud heads, opening the train high to the armpits. “0611” Clothes are embroidered with bamboo branches using a method of upright stitching, thread nailing, and oblique winding, with even and fine embroidery. The green bamboo pattern and bright yellow form a sharp contrast in hue
This is a casual dress worn by Empress Tongzhi of the Qing Dynasty.
图片[1]-Ming Yellow Solid Yarn Embroidered Green Bamboo Branch Women’s Single ‘0611’ Clothing-China Archive
图片[2]-Ming Yellow Solid Yarn Embroidered Green Bamboo Branch Women’s Single ‘0611’ Clothing-China Archive明黄实地纱绣绿竹枝女单『0611』衣背面

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