Blue and white vase with twined branches and eight auspicious patterns on a lotus

[Blue and white twining lotus vase with eight auspicious patterns with two ears]

Blue and white twining lotus vase with eight auspicious patterns with two ears, Qingdaoguang, height 32 cm, caliber 8.5 cm, foot diameter 9.3 cm< Bottle trim, long neck, symmetrical shaped ears, curved belly, and circular feet. The theme decoration is based on the blue and white lotus pattern with eight auspicious patterns, with Ruyi cloud head pattern, echo pattern, bat pattern, and deformed lotus petal pattern as auxiliary decorations. Apply white glaze inside the ring foot. On the outsole, there are six characters and three lines in the blue and white seal script "Made in the Light Year System of the Qing Dynasty"
This bottle has a dignified and stable shape, beautiful blue and white flowers, and dense decorative patterns. However, it has clear layers, prominent theme decorative patterns, and implies auspiciousness. It belongs to palace furnishings porcelain.
图片[1]-Blue and white vase with twined branches and eight auspicious patterns on a lotus-China Archive
图片[2]-Blue and white vase with twined branches and eight auspicious patterns on a lotus-China Archive青花缠枝莲托八吉祥纹双耳瓶底部

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