Yellow Glazed Beast Ear Zun

[Yellow Glazed Beast Ear Zun]

Qingdao Light has a height of 27.5cm, a caliber of 15.5cm, and a foot diameter of 13.8cm.
Zun has a straight mouth, short neck, round shoulders, lower abdominal adduction, and circular feet. The neck and shoulders are symmetrically molded with two cow shaped ears. In addition to the circular sole, the entire body is painted with yellow glaze, and the outer sole is engraved with six characters and three lines of seal script “made in the light years of the Qing Dynasty”
This type of veneration is recorded in many documents such as the “Imperial Ritual Pattern” in the Qing Dynasty, and is one of the eight statutory sacrificial vessels since the 13th year of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty. In addition to yellow glaze, there are also recorded glaze colors such as white, red, blue, and moon white. According to literature records, porcelain yellow sacrificial statues were used in the sacrificial activities of the Earth Altar, the Xiannong Altar, and the Xianchan Altar

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