Early Qing Dynasty Eastern Han Dynasty Fenglong Mountain Stele

“Fenglong Mountain Stele”, also known as “Fenglong Mountain Ode”, records that Fenglong Mountain, Sangong Mountain, and Lingshan were originally sacred mountains for perennial ceremonies. Later, due to the chaos of war, the ceremony was suspended, and the ceremony was resumed in the seventh year of Yanxi in the Eastern Han Dynasty (164). Rubbings are 160 centimeters vertically and 92 centimeters horizontally, with 15 lines and 26 characters in official script. No forehead, no clothing. The first running script has seven characters: “Ode to the Longshan Mountain of the Yuan Family”. The tablet was inscribed in the seventh year of Yanxi
This monument was originally located at the foot of Wangcun Mountain, Yuanshi County, Hebei Province. In the 27th year of Daoguang’s reign in the Qing Dynasty (1847), it was visited by Liu Baonan, the Supervisor of the County of Yuanshi County, and moved to Xue Wenqing Temple in the city. It is said that during the relocation, the transport workers thought it was too heavy to cut it into two pieces. When the monument was chiseled, it split into four pieces. Although it was inlaid, the cracks were still visible. On the side of the original tablet is the inscription of the Tang Dynasty’s Xiantong Year, which is difficult to distinguish due to the fact that the characters have disappeared, so many of them are not expanded
“Song of Fenglong Mountain” is one of the famous steles of the Han Dynasty, and the calligraphy evaluation of this stele by predecessors is very high. “Yang Shoujing of the Qing Dynasty wrote in his Commentary on the Steles of the Hormone Flying Qingge:” It is magnificent and vigorous, and the “Lu Jun Stele” is not as powerful as it is. The grandeur of the Han Li people is no greater than this. “. The word “Lin” in the last line has been damaged. In the front, there is an inscription by Zhu Yiyu, followed by the second paragraph of Zhang Mu’s inscription and postscript, as well as various references, collections, and seals such as the “Yin Zhai Residence” and “Yangquan Mountain Villa”
Description of Song Zhengqiao’s “General Annals – A Brief Introduction to Jinshi”.
图片[1]-Early Qing Dynasty Eastern Han Dynasty Fenglong Mountain Stele-China Archive

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