Jade Jiaolong Niu’s “Long Hearted Poems and Rites” Treasure

[Jade Jiaolongniu “Long Wen Poems and Rites, Lingxin Chuan” Treasure]

Long Wen Poems and Rites, Lingxin Chuan “Treasure, Qing Jiaqing, Jade Quality, Jiaolongniu Square Seal, Chinese Seal Script. The surface is 6.5 cm square, the overall height is 5.8 cm, and the button height is 2.7 cm. Attach a yellow ribbon
“I have long heard of poetry and etiquette”, and it was said in the Analects of Confucius, Ji Shi: “Li hastened to pass through the court. He said, ‘Did you learn poetry?’ The antithetical saying, ‘Wei also.’ Without learning poetry, there is no way to speak. Li retreated to learn poetry. Later, he became independent, and Li hastened to pass through the court, saying, ‘Learn etiquette?’ The antithetical saying, ‘Wei also.’ Without learning etiquette, there is no way to stand. Li retreated to learn etiquette, and when he heard of both, he passed on to his heart.”, According to the “University Yan Yi”, “The teachings of younger martial brothers are handed down from generation to generation, also known as heart to generation.” Emperor Jiaqing was deeply influenced by traditional poetry and etiquette and taught by his father through words and deeds, and was deeply engraved in his heart and wanted to inherit them

图片[1]-Jade Jiaolong Niu’s “Long Hearted Poems and Rites” Treasure-China Archive
图片[2]-Jade Jiaolong Niu’s “Long Hearted Poems and Rites” Treasure-China Archive青玉交龙纽“夙闻诗礼凛心传”玺钤本

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