Green transparent glass slag hopper

[Green transparent glass slag bucket]

Green transparent glass slag bucket, with a height of 8.7 cm and a diameter of 7.7 cm
The slag hopper has a bell mouth, a bulging belly, and a flat bottom. The entire body is made of transparent green glass, and the outer wall of the device is polished into a continuous hexagonal section for decoration
Slag buckets, which are called spitting pots, are one of the daily necessities in the palace. Their texture is mostly porcelain, bronze, and enamel, while glass slag buckets are very rare. This slag bucket glass has a pure texture and excellent transparency. The geometric patterns ground are similar to modern styles, with a three-dimensional effect, making the glassware crystal clear. This is a masterpiece from the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, after which the level of glass grinding technology decreased

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