“Respecting Heaven and Diligent People” Treasure of Jade Jiaolong Niu

[Jade Jiaolongniu “Respecting Heaven and Diligent People” Treasure]

“Respecting Heaven and Diligent People” Seal, Qing Qianlong, Jade Quality, Jiaolongniu Square Seal, Chinese Seal Script. The surface is 9.6 cm square, the overall height is 9.2 cm, and the button height is 4.6 cm. Attach a yellow ribbon
The seal is surrounded by the “Four Character Poems of Respecting Heaven, Diligent People, and Treasures” made by Emperor Qianlong. Note: The Qing Dynasty emperors made the “Respecting Heaven and Diligent People” treasure from Emperor Kangxi. It is a sandalwood treasure that has been stored in the Qianqing Palace. Although its texture is not valuable, it is an important physical object that reflects the thoughts of Emperor Kangxi. In view of this, after Emperor Yongzheng ascended the throne, he rubbed off the seal on a piece of Kangxi white jade that was originally engraved with the four characters “ten thousand spare time” and handed over to the Longniu treasure. He imitated the four characters “respecting the heaven and diligent people” and still stored them in the Qianqing Palace, and properly preserved the original sandalwood treasure of Emperor Kangxi. After Emperor Qianlong succeeded to the throne, following the established practice of Emperor Yongzheng, the imperial seal was still stored separately in the Qianqing Palace. In 1748, in the thirteenth year of Qianlong’s reign, craftsmen were instructed to engrave his “Four Character Poems of Respecting Heaven and Diligent People” on the periphery of the treasure. In the second year of Jiaqing (1797), the Qianqing Palace caught fire, and the white jade “Respecting Heaven and Diligent People” re carved by Emperor Yongzheng was burned down. So Emperor Qianlong ordered a new party to be made, not only with the same seal, but also with the original copy of the “Four Character Poems of Respecting Heaven and Diligent People”, which is the “Respecting Heaven and Diligent People” treasure. As for the reason for repeatedly copying the treasure of “Respecting Heaven and Diligent People”, Emperor Qianlong once explained: “The emperor used various seals for the imperial seal, the emperor made a box to hide it, and only kept the treasure outside to seal it with the imperial seal. To give the child respect and comply with the code, when collecting the emperor’s imperial treasure, he also kept it outside, and often used the seal. It is also a treasure. After three generations, it was once used as a treasure, and the pendant was engraved with the Yi Si for infinity. How could it be possible to trace and carve its seal? To cover and take justice, it can be said that Emperor Yongzheng The reason why Emperor Qianlong repeatedly engraved Emperor Kangxi’s “Respecting Heaven and Diligent People” seal is more to inherit and develop Emperor Kangxi’s valuable thought of “Respecting Heaven and Diligent People”. What they value is not the seal itself, but the meaning and thought contained in the four words “respecting the heaven and diligent people”. As Emperor Qianlong said, “Bandits value their material and cherish their righteousness.” In this sense, “Respecting Heaven and Diligent People” is not only the motto of Emperor Kangxi, but also the foundation of Emperor Yongzheng and Emperor Qianlong’s governance. The repeated reproduction of the seal itself does not affect our understanding of its profound significance

图片[1]-“Respecting Heaven and Diligent People” Treasure of Jade Jiaolong Niu-China Archive
图片[2]-“Respecting Heaven and Diligent People” Treasure of Jade Jiaolong Niu-China Archive白玉交龙纽“敬天勤民”玺钤本

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