Blue and white lotus vase with eight precious patterns and ears

[Blue and White Lotus Eight Treasure Pattern Ear Bottle]

Blue and White Lotus Eight Treasure Pattern Ear Bottle, with a height of 60cm, a caliber of 13.5cm, and a foot diameter of 18.9cm
The bottle has a straight mouth, a thick and long neck, and the two sides of the neck are decorated symmetrically through the ears, folded over the shoulders, gradually tapering off below the shoulders, and looping the feet. The mouth edge is painted with seawater and Ruyi patterns, each ear is painted with a lotus flower, the middle part of the neck is painted with rolled leaf patterns, the lower part of the neck is painted with banana leaves and rolled grass patterns, the shoulder is painted with rolled leaves and seawater patterns, the abdominal theme pattern is painted with Ruyi patterns and lotus eight treasures patterns, and the near bottom is painted with deformed lotus petal patterns. The foot is inscribed with six characters of the blue and white seal script “made in the Qianlong year of the Qing Dynasty”
This vase has a tall and ancient shape, with brilliant blue and white hair colors. Its decorative painting and pattern layout are typical of the Qianlong blue and white style. It is an exquisite palace display porcelain

图片[1]-Blue and white lotus vase with eight precious patterns and ears-China Archive

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