唐裴孝智撰文宣王廟門記 軸

唐裴孝智撰文宣王廟門記 軸

  • Image Number: K2D000125N000000000PAA
  • Dynasty: Tang dynasty
  • Category: Calligraphic model books
  • Author: 裴孝智
  • Form:
  • Description:
    It is also known as “Propaganda of the New Three Gates of Wang Temple”, “Propaganda of the New Three Gates of Wang Temple”, or “Monument of the New Xuanwang Temple”. The monument is now in Qufu Confucius Temple. It records the deeds of Meng Xiujian, the governor of Yanzhou, and Pei Youxiang, the magistrate of Qufu County, who built the gate of the Confucius Temple in Qufu in the eighth year of the Dali calendar (773). It was written by Pei Xiaozhi, a member of the Ancestral Hall, Wailang, who was also an imperial historian. Pei Ping wrote pills and seal characters. The inscriptions on the tablet are written in official script. The characters are neat and precise, the strokes are handsome, the waves are strong and the strokes are sharp, and the contrast between the thickness and the thickness is large, showing the style of regular script entering official script in the middle Tang Dynasty.

唐裴孝智撰文宣王廟門記 軸

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