Jade Picking Map Mountain

[Jasper Picking Jade Picturesque Mountain]

Jasper Picking Jade Picturesque Mountain was built during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, with a height of 51 centimeters and a bottom width of 51.5 centimeters
Jasper texture. Reduce the height of the ground by embossing rocks and trees. During this period, the two wore a pointed felt hat, a cloth belt around their waist, high boots on their feet, and jade in both hands. On the back is engraved a poem titled “Jade Picking in Khotan”, which was inscribed by the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty during the reign of Emperor Qianlong (30 years of Emperor Qianlong’s reign, 1765): “Jade Picking in Khotan revived its spring and autumn, and was used as a tribute to the emperor’s state. Xi waited for Bian He to recognize Lin Qiu, and mailed him to Jinchang for a trip. He specialized in various alleys, pondering over nothing and dissecting it. It has been recorded in ancient times that the true and the false are half, and the lover desires his life, while the evil desires his death. If it were a female and yellow kiss on the lips, there was no calculation. The poem” Jade Picking in Khotan “was written by Emperor Yiyou in the spring.” “Qianlong Chen Han” printed in yin script
Xinjiang has always been an important producer of high-quality jade materials. In the 24th year of Qianlong’s reign in the Qing Dynasty (1759), the imperial court controlled the mining and use of jade materials. As a local tribute, Xinjiang jade materials continuously filled the imperial court in the spring and autumn seasons, promoting the prosperity of jade carving techniques during the Qianlong period. On the other hand, jade materials from Xinjiang also became an important material manifestation of Emperor Qianlong’s great cause of defending his country. One type of Xinjiang jade material comes from the riverbed, and the other type comes from the mountains. The former is in the shape of a goose egg, with the skin peeled and worn away during impact, and only the jade core remains. Therefore, its texture is dense and delicate, its color is pure and glossy, and its hardness is high. During the spring and autumn seasons, when the water level is low, Hui people walk naked in the water and pick up stones. The latter has a relatively large mass, but its texture is relatively coarse and needs to be mined uphill. Emperor Qianlong successively wrote five or six poems and essays on jade mining in Khotan, which were engraved on the jade mining map on the Jade Mountain

图片[1]-Jade Picking Map Mountain-China Archive

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