Iron Handle Shark Skin Sheath Cloud Sword

[Shark Skin Sheath Cloud Sword with Iron Handle]

Qianlong Di Zi No. 1 “Cloud Sword” is a sword with a length of 100 centimeters and a maximum width of 9 centimeters in the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty. The old collection of the Qing Palace
The sheath is made of wood and covered with red shark skin. The head and tail ornaments and the middle sword hoop are all made of iron and gold, with auspicious patterns carved. The sword handle is made of wood and wrapped with yellow silk tapers. The sword leather and handle head are also made of iron and gold. The sword body is made of steel, and the bottom of the blade is inlaid with a pattern composed of gold, silver, and copper wires. On one side, there is the official script “Di Zi Yi Hao” and the sword inscription “Chu Yun”; On the other side is the official script “Made in the Qianlong Year” and an image that matches the meaning of this sword inscription
According to the “Work Plan File of the Zaobao Office”, from the 13th year of Qianlong’s reign (1748) to the 22nd year of Qianlong’s reign (1757), the Qing Palace Zaobao Office built a total of 30 imperial swords and swords, each, which is the first sword in the “Di” brand. This kind of sword is mainly collected and enjoyed by Emperor Qianlong. Its exquisite craftsmanship and ornate decoration make it the top grade of the sword

图片[1]-Iron Handle Shark Skin Sheath Cloud Sword-China Archive
图片[2]-Iron Handle Shark Skin Sheath Cloud Sword-China Archive乾隆地字一号“出云”剑、鞘图片[3]-Iron Handle Shark Skin Sheath Cloud Sword-China Archive乾隆地字一号“出云”剑局部纹饰图片[4]-Iron Handle Shark Skin Sheath Cloud Sword-China Archive乾隆地字一号“出云”剑满汉文签

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