Blue glazed hollowed-out pink vase with gold Kui phoenix pattern

[Blue Glazed Hollow Powder Painting Gold Kui Phoenix Pattern Set Bottle]

Blue Glazed Hollow Powder Painting Gold Kui Phoenix Pattern Set Bottle, Qing Qianlong, height 32.8 cm, caliber 7.2 cm, foot diameter 11 cm
The bottle is in the shape of a gall bladder, with a slender neck, sagging abdomen, and rounded feet. The bottle is coated with turquoise green glaze. The bottle mouth and foot edge are painted with gold color, and the neck near the mouth edge and the outer wall of the circular foot are decorated with yellow ground rolling powder floral patterns. The neck is decorated with blue ground rolling powder lotus patterns, and the abdomen is decorated with blue glaze hollowed out golden Kui phoenix patterns. A small bottle is attached to the bottle. The foot is covered with turquoise green glaze, and the square space on the outer bottom is marked with a blue and white seal script “made in the Qianlong era of the Qing Dynasty” in six characters and three lines
This bottle was first fired at a high temperature to produce both blue and white glazes, then painted and gilded, and then fired at a low temperature, reflecting the superb level of porcelain making technology at that time.
图片[1]-Blue glazed hollowed-out pink vase with gold Kui phoenix pattern-China Archive
图片[2]-Blue glazed hollowed-out pink vase with gold Kui phoenix pattern-China Archive青釉镂空粉彩描金夔凤纹套瓶款识

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