Qianlong style ancient copper colored gold painted round box

[Qianlong style ancient copper color gold painted round box]

Qianlong style ancient copper color gold painted round box, Qing Qianlong style, with a total height of 3cm, a caliber of 6cm, and a foot diameter of 5cm
The box is oblate and has a shallow arc wall, which encircles the foot. With a round cover, the cover surface is slightly convex. The whole body is covered with sauce glaze and decorated with gold and silver colors, with decorative patterns painted in gold and silver. The box is decorated with plum blossoms along the mouth, and Ruyi cloud patterns are painted near the foot. The edge of the box lid is painted with dots and ripples, the center of the lid is painted with a deformed passionflower, and the four sides are painted with Ruyi cloud patterns. On the outsole, there are six characters and three lines of gold colored seal script “made in the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty”
During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, there were a wide variety of antique artifacts fired by the Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln Factory, of which bronze artifacts were the most successful. The production method of this utensil is to first burn it at a high temperature to form a paste glaze with a glaze color similar to copper, then paint the pattern with gold and silver colors, and then burn it at a low temperature twice in the kiln. The glaze is glossy and shiny, and the gold and silver colors are decorated together to make the utensil particularly magnificent.
图片[1]-Qianlong style ancient copper colored gold painted round box-China Archive
图片[2]-Qianlong style ancient copper colored gold painted round box-China Archive乾隆款古铜彩描金圆盒的盒盖与款识

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