Qianlong style pink baby drama picture strong pot

[Qianlong style pastel baby play picture strong pot]

Qianlong style pastel baby play picture strong pot, Qing Dynasty Qianlong style, height 14.9 cm, caliber 5.8 cm, foot diameter 5.5 cm
The tank has a straight mouth, a short neck, a cylindrical belly, and a circular foot. Attached is an arch shaped cover with a ball button on top. The inner wall and outer bottom of the tank are coated with turquoise green glaze. The outer wall is decorated with a pastel baby drama and social fire picture as the theme, with purple ground rolling pastel on the edge and Ruyi cloud head patterns on the top. In the picture, some babies hold lanterns, ride horses, play drums, cymbals, and blow horns in the garden view, while others hold lions to play with balls and set off firecrackers, creating a joyful and lively scene. On the outsole, there are six characters and three lines in red color seal script “made in the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty”
Pictures of baby plays have appeared on Changsha kiln porcelain in the Tang Dynasty, and were commonly seen on pillow surfaces of Cizhou kiln during the Song and Jin Dynasties. “The infant drama pictures on Tang, Song, and Jin porcelain mainly reflect scenes of folk life, with single characters, actions, and scenes, and are products of folk kilns.”. This popular decorative pattern in the Ming Dynasty was absorbed and adopted by official kiln porcelain, expanding the expression of characters and scenes, and gradually becoming a stylized symbolic pattern on official kiln porcelain in the Qing Dynasty, implying happiness and peace.
图片[1]-Qianlong style pink baby drama picture strong pot-China Archive
图片[2]-Qianlong style pink baby drama picture strong pot-China Archive乾隆款粉彩婴戏图壮罐底部

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