Yixing Kiln Purple Sand Powder Colored Four Seasons Flower and Bird Painting with Corner Pen Holder

[Yixing Kiln Purple Sand Powder Painting of Four Seasons Flowers and Birds with Corner Penholder]

Yixing Kiln Purple Sand Powder Painting of Four Seasons Flowers and Birds with Corner Penholder, Qianlong Period of the Qing Dynasty, 13.5 cm in height, 12 in diameter × 12 cm, foot diameter 11 × 11 cm
The pen holder is square, with corners, straight walls, and a flat mouth. The sand and mud are light yellow. The four sides of the outer wall are painted with four seasons of flowers and birds in white, pink, yellow, and green pigments: flying swallows, peach blossoms, egrets, lotus blossoms, double bees, chrysanthemums, and magpies climbing on plum blossoms. The pen holder is rich in color and skilled in craftsmanship. The flowers and trees are swaying and the birds and birds are light and nimble, giving birth to splendor. The practice of using purple sand to apply pastel colors appeared in large numbers during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty

图片[1]-Yixing Kiln Purple Sand Powder Colored Four Seasons Flower and Bird Painting with Corner Pen Holder-China Archive

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