Laetite Blue Glazed Mugwort Leaf Wash

[Jilan Glazed Artemisia Leaf Shape Washing]

Jilan Glazed Artemisia Leaf Shape Washing, during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, was 1.7 centimeters high and 15.6 centimeters long
The washing takes the shape of a mugwort leaf, and the veins of the leaves are drawn with the undulation of the edges within the washing. The whole body is coated with Ji blue glaze inside and outside, with a deep and uniform glaze color
This wash is made from wormwood leaves. If it is not accidentally done, it must have a deep meaning
Ai, also known as family Ai and Artemisia argyi. Its stems and leaves contain volatile aromatic oil, which produces a unique aroma that can repel mosquitoes, flies, insects, and ants, and purify the air. In traditional Chinese medicine, wormwood is used as a medicine, which has the effect of regulating qi and blood, and dispelling cold and dampness. Processing wormwood leaves into “moxa velvet” is an important medicinal material for moxibustion treatment. The folk saying goes, “Insert willows during the Qingming Festival, and insert wormwood during the Dragon Boat Festival.” During the Dragon Boat Festival, one of the important folk customs is to insert wormwood or calamus on the door to sterilize and prevent diseases, drive away malaria and ward off evil spirits
From the above, it can be seen that this Laeti blue glazed wormwood leaf shaped wash looks ordinary, but it contains rich connotations of traditional Chinese culture

图片[1]-Laetite Blue Glazed Mugwort Leaf Wash-China Archive

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