Silk tapestry treasure book

[Kesi Baodian Fu Booklet]

Kesi Baodian Fu Booklet, dated from the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, is 29 centimeters vertically and 30 centimeters horizontally. The old collection of the Qing Palace
This volume is 16 in size, and there are 120 square seals made of woven and embroidered ink and white characters. Each square seal is accompanied by a black silk thread woven regular script interpretation, and each printed seal has the word “Fu” in it. Among them, Bai Wenyin is all made of Kuo, using Qi Kuo and shuttle weaving techniques. Zhu Wenyin is mostly embroidered, using needle cutting techniques. The seals have a variety of shapes, including square, rectangular, circular, elliptical, gourd shaped, outer and inner circular, outer and inner square, double coin shaped, and irregular shapes. The number of printed words varies from 4 to 13, with 7 characters being the largest. At the beginning of the script, the four characters “Baodian Fushu” were engraved in black, and at the end of the script, the official script was engraved with the title “Long Life, Eighty Decades, Daqing, Qianlong, Gengxu, New Year’s Day, Minister Hu Jitang Gong Jin”. The script was engraved with the seals “Minister Hu Jitang” and “Jingmu”, and the seal “Baoyun Lou Cang” was stamped. “Gengxu” was the fifty fifth year of Qianlong’s reign in the Qing Dynasty (1790), when it was Emperor Qianlong’s 80th birthday, ministers such as He Shen and Jin Jian presented to Emperor Qianlong a set of “treasure book” seals made of Shoushan stone and Qingtian stone as a birthday gift, with 120 seals and 60 seals respectively. This set of tapestry brochures is a copy of 120 Shoushan stone “Baodian Fushu” seals, which were introduced by the Crown Prince Shaobao and the Minister of Military Affairs Hu Jitang. Zhu Qiqian’s “Record of Silk Carved Calligraphy and Painting Collected in the Qing Dynasty” is described.
图片[1]-Silk tapestry treasure book-China Archive
图片[2]-Silk tapestry treasure book-China Archive缂丝宝典福书册之三图片[3]-Silk tapestry treasure book-China Archive缂丝宝典福书册之二图片[4]-Silk tapestry treasure book-China Archive缂丝宝典福书册之一图片[5]-Silk tapestry treasure book-China Archive缂丝宝典福书册之八图片[6]-Silk tapestry treasure book-China Archive缂丝宝典福书册之七图片[7]-Silk tapestry treasure book-China Archive缂丝宝典福书册之六图片[8]-Silk tapestry treasure book-China Archive缂丝宝典福书册之五图片[9]-Silk tapestry treasure book-China Archive缂丝宝典福书册之十二图片[10]-Silk tapestry treasure book-China Archive缂丝宝典福书册之十一图片[11]-Silk tapestry treasure book-China Archive缂丝宝典福书册之十图片[12]-Silk tapestry treasure book-China Archive缂丝宝典福书册之九图片[13]-Silk tapestry treasure book-China Archive缂丝宝典福书册之十六图片[14]-Silk tapestry treasure book-China Archive缂丝宝典福书册之十五图片[15]-Silk tapestry treasure book-China Archive缂丝宝典福书册之十四图片[16]-Silk tapestry treasure book-China Archive缂丝宝典福书册之十三图片[17]-Silk tapestry treasure book-China Archive缂丝宝典福书册之十七

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