Sandalwood color painting longevity pen

[Sandalwood Colored Painting Fushou Pen]

Sandalwood Colored Painting Fushou Pen has a tube length of 26cm and a diameter of 1cm
This pen tube and cap are made of precious sandalwood, which is straight and delicate, and emits a faint fragrance. They are decorated with auspicious patterns such as longevity peaches, ganoderma lucidum, bats, and bamboo trees, and decorated with colors such as red, green, and crimson. Both ends of the tube and cap are inlaid with ivory. The pen head is made of Zihao, with a thin root and a light color, which gradually darkens to the waist and assumes a blue stamen shape. This shape is caused by the natural characteristics of Zihao
This brush is made with rare materials and exquisite craftsmanship, making it one of the most valuable brushes for viewing and using in the Qing Palace.
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