Red sandalwood box inlaid with double dragon designs

[Red sandalwood treasure inlaid box with double chi patterns]

Red sandalwood treasure inlaid box with double chi patterns, 16.1 cm long, 13.5 cm wide, and 9 cm high
The box is rectangular in shape, with rounded edges and corners, and has a ribbon shaped low foot. The lid and body fit together, with slightly curled lips and a raised lid. The cover is decorated with a pattern inlaid with hundreds of treasures, with a dragon inlaid on the top and bottom, with the head and tail holding each other, surrounded by a central variant of the “Fu” character pattern. The chi mouth contains ganoderma lucidum, and the body is covered with cloud qi. The coil and ring are young and flexible, and they can be rolled freely. The cloud pattern is processed like a ribbon tied into a Ruyi flower knot, and its lines break the circular composition of two dragons playing with pearls, making the picture clear and not empty
The design style of this box is mainly curved, complementing the elastic lines of the box. The cover pattern is inlaid with materials such as mother-of-pearl, jade, coral, and dyed teeth, forming a variety of colors such as red, green, cyan, yellow, and white, which are more striking against the backdrop of red sandalwood. This is also the unique decorative effect of the Baibao inlay process

图片[1]-Red sandalwood box inlaid with double dragon designs-China Archive

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