Rhinoceros Horn Carved Landscape Figure Cup

[Rhinoceros Horn Carved Landscape Figure Cup]

Rhinoceros Horn Carved Landscape Figure Cup, mid Qing Dynasty, 13.9 cm high, 15.8 caliber × 10.2 cm
The cup is made of Asian rhinoceros horn and is brown. Grind the mouth and cut the bottom according to the natural shape of the rhinoceros horn, and make a goblet shaped cup that skims the mouth and shrinks the feet. Using the techniques of engraving and high relief, the cup is carved with two trees on one side as the handle, and the theme is the Wen Ju Tu in the Western Garden Collection. In the picture, the trees in the middle of the mountain are verdant, with strange pines, ancient cypresses, and maple trees planted between them, either obliquely inserted or upside down, or vertically towered or hugged, interspersed and set off. The mountain stream meanders, the small bridge rides smoothly, and the scenery is quiet. The 16 characters are divided into 8 groups, either sitting and drinking alcohol, or standing to greet each other, or gathering to discuss, or chanting poetry and painting, writing furiously, with a rigorous structure and clear hierarchy
“Xiyuan Gathering” refers to a gathering of 16 scholars, including Su Shi and Huang Tingjian, in the Northern Song Dynasty, which occupies a very important position in the history of Chinese literature and is also a favorite theme of painters and sculptor in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. This Yajitu Rhinoceros Horn Cup is one of the finest pieces of rhinoceros horn sculpture, representing the different expressions and gestures of 16 people.
图片[1]-Rhinoceros Horn Carved Landscape Figure Cup-China Archive
图片[2]-Rhinoceros Horn Carved Landscape Figure Cup-China Archive犀角雕山水人物杯图片[3]-Rhinoceros Horn Carved Landscape Figure Cup-China Archive犀角雕山水人物杯口图片[4]-Rhinoceros Horn Carved Landscape Figure Cup-China Archive犀角雕山水人物杯局部

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