Red sandalwood treasure inlaid with flowers and fruits

[Red sandalwood treasure inlaid with flowers and fruits]

In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, it was 99 centimeters high, 127 centimeters long, and 78 centimeters wide
The throne is made of red sandalwood wood. The backrest and armrest are made of a three screen style, with a brain attached to them, which looks like a screen cap, with a curved edge and embossed sea water cloud dragon patterns. The vest and two armrests are painted with sky blue paint on the inside and outside, and hundreds of treasures such as jade are inlaid with patterns of ancient trees and grapes. The rattan heart of the seating surface, the edge of the surface, the legs, and the cauldron are all blended to form a circular pattern with double sided lines, and the feet are decorated with turtle feet. This throne has a novel and unique shape, elegant and refined

图片[1]-Red sandalwood treasure inlaid with flowers and fruits-China Archive

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