Exotic Gift from a Tributary State

Exotic Gift from a Tributary State

  • Image Number: K2A001235N000000001PAB
  • Dynasty: Tang dynasty
  • Category: uncategorized
  • Author: 周昉
  • Form: 冊(摺裝‧方幅式)
  • Exhibition dimension: 46.7×39.5
  • Description:
    Draw a foreign tributary holding a goat. The character wears a headband with curly hair, a deep eye, a long nose, and a long beard. His clothes are close to his body, and he can vaguely see his strong muscles. He wears a short sword on his waist and stands on his side. Goat horns are long and slender, with strange shapes. The figures and sheep are similar to the “Tribute Painting” of Yan Liben, a Tibetan legend of the court, which also depicts the theme of foreign tribute in the Tang Dynasty. Selected from “Collection of Ancient Drawings”. The painting has no author’s money, according to the former Song Huizong (first said Jin Zhangzong), it was signed as Zhou Fang. Zhou Fang (active in the eighth century), born in Chang’an, is a noble and good at figure painting.

集古圖繪 冊 唐周昉蠻夷執貢圖

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