Mountains and Rivers

Mountains and Rivers

  • Image Number: K2A000977N000000000PAB
  • Dynasty: Tang dynasty
  • Category: Paintings
  • Author: Yang Sheng;楊昇
  • Form:
  • Exhibition dimension: 30.3×184.2
  • Description:
    The silk ground used in this painting is very thick, and the shape of the rocks is similar to Zhang Sengyou’s “Snow Mountain Mangrove Map”, which is collected in the courtyard. They are both symmetrical circular arcs or primitive cones. Both sketch and green color reset methods are used to format trees, stones and houses, which is rich in decoration. The postscript at the end of the volume classifies this as the performance of “bone painting” by Yang Sheng, a painter of the Tang Dynasty. In the record of painting history before the late Ming Dynasty, Yang Sheng, a painter of the Tang Dynasty, was as good at figures or portraits as Zhang Sengyao, a painter of the Liang Dynasty in the Southern Dynasty. The record of “boneless landscape” did not appear until the late Ming Dynasty, which was a reflection of the early landscape by painters in the late Ming Dynasty.

唐楊昇畫山水 卷
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