Colorful bamboo pen holder

[Five-color bamboo pen holder]

Five-color bamboo pen holder, in the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, was 14.2 cm high, 18.4 cm in diameter and 18 cm in bottom diameter. The old collection of the Qing Palace
Penholder straight mouth, barrel body and wall bottom. The outer wall of the vessel is painted with two black bamboo branches. Through the luxuriant bamboo leaves, it can be seen that the new shoots are blooming and vigorous. The bamboo branches are moistened with green color and ochre color outside the black color, and the style is vigorous and unrestrained. On the other side, there is a verse in running script, which reads, “I have finally won the glory of ten thousand dragons, and I have left a colorful phoenix chanting”. At the end, there is a red color Yangwen seal script, “West” and “Garden”, which are jointly printed by the Pearl River. Bottom glaze, no pattern
Many of the decorative pictures of the official kiln porcelain in the Kangxi Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty were painted by famous painters at that time. The clusters of black bamboos painted by this brush holder are beautiful and straight, thin and powerful, suitable in depth and depth, and rich in layering. They are as vivid and delicate as traditional Chinese paintings painted on white paper, which is beyond the ordinary craftsman’s ability. In addition, the ink color is as black as paint, smooth and colorful, which forms a strong color contrast with the pure white bottom glaze, giving this pen holder a different aesthetic taste. This ink-color pen holder combines poetry, calligraphy, painting and printing, and is the best of the colorful porcelain stationery of the Kangxi Dynasty

图片[1]-Colorful bamboo pen holder-China Archive

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