Gaoxiang Plum Blossom Chart Axis

[Gaoxiang Plum Blossom Painting Axis]

Plum Blossom Painting Axis, Qing Dynasty, Gaoxiang painting, paper edition, color setting, 88.8 cm vertically and 44.7 cm horizontally
Welcome: “Chanzhi Temple uses the rhyme between the east slope walls and records to invite Mr. Murph to smile. When the autumn comes at the beginning of the year, Gao Ke says goodbye to the cold cicada. The east wind changes the climate, and the ancient plum □ cold smoke. The fragrance strips brush the eaves tiles, and the color □ shows. Ganglong (brush) In the Buddha Pavilion, the spring mountain is hanging with a chime. Liu Guansu’s beard is among the stars, and Lin Buxian is in his heart. Forgive your friends and make friends. The meal is divided into monk bowls, and the words are boiled to cut the spring. The trees gather in the twilight mist, and the moon rises in the first month. Supporting the back to drive the cloud crane, the sleeves of the shirt are fluttering in the wind. The wild shop breathes incense. How can you be drunk. Gao Xiang, a student of the Western Tang Dynasty. ” Seal “Da Ya will not make it for a long time” in white
Re question: “It is a pity that spring enters the river city when the iron trunk is stretched across the eaves. Only when there is a plum blossom, it will rain and rain, and the west wind will be jealous of the plum blossom. The morning smoke and the night moon are only late, and the bamboo fence will cherish a moment. Only when there is a plum blossom, it will rain and rain, and it will be idle to sing and write poems. The old temple of Broken Bridge has lasted for another year, and it will dream and lead every other year. Only when there is a plum blossom, it will rain and rain, and it will make people feel sad and distressed in spring. The thin shadow of the solitary root rests on the mountain forest, and the fragrance and light cannot be found in the dark. There is always a plum blossom, it will rain and rain, and a branch will still Ye Yun, in Yu Zha’s Chinese language, has become four unique characters. Please smile with him. Brother Xiang nodded again. ” Seal the “seal of the Western Tang Dynasty” and “phoenix symbol”
This picture is made by Gao Xiang and his friends for Muff after they went to Yangzhou Chanzhi Temple to explore plum blossoms. The plum blossoms painted by Gao Xiang are sparse and thin, with unique charm, and have the characteristics of dew and cold wind. Compared with the plum blossoms painted by Wang Shishen, the plum blossoms are very attractive. The layout of this picture is unique. A red plum in the middle of the picture stands tall and straight, and the inscription occupies two sides. The stretched plum branches balance and skillfully divide the picture. Plum trunks are sparsely shaped and rugged, and the light plum flowers are quiet and elegant. Jin Nong once vividly commented on Gao Xiangzhi’s plum blossom and said, “Half open, half open, and a little red with jade tower grease.” This picture can be seen. In terms of painting, Gao Xiang was influenced by Hongren. His brushwork was simple and his ink was as precious as gold. In addition, he also paid attention to the use of calligraphy in painting. The running script with official script has the characteristics of thin, hard and strong, which is consistent with the simple, thin and beautiful style of plum blossom and complements each other.
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