Filigree enamel flower pattern animal ear live ring baby foot drum cover furnace

[filigree enamel flower pattern animal ear loop baby foot drum lid furnace]

filigree enamel flower pattern animal ear loop baby foot drum lid furnace, middle of the Qing Dynasty, height 38 cm, caliber 23 cm
The furnace is drum-shaped, with bulging belly and flat bottom. The belly wall is painted with black enamel glaze, with the head of the beast holding ring as the interval, and decorated with the swastika, brocade, peony, lotus, chrysanthemum and plum flowers, which are famous flowers of the four seasons. The cover is decorated with double lions playing ball patterns. The hydrangea ball is placed in the center, and the two children standing and playing on it are cleverly used as cover buttons. The three feet are all in the shape of children, but their postures are different. The front boy carries the stove with his back, and the other two children both make side lunges, supporting the stove with his chest, abdomen and hands. The three people smile as if they are about to carry the big drum away. The cover button, the head of the animal and the three feet are gilded

图片[1]-Filigree enamel flower pattern animal ear live ring baby foot drum cover furnace-China Archive
图片[2]-Filigree enamel flower pattern animal ear live ring baby foot drum cover furnace-China Archive掐丝珐琅花卉三兽耳活环婴足鼓式盖炉局部

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