In the Qing Dynasty, the preface of Yu Shinan’s Eight Pillars of Orchid Pavilion

[Qing Dynasty’s expansion of the “Lanting Eight Posts” by Yu Shinan to Lanting Preface]

Qing Dynasty’s expansion of the “Lanting Eight Posts” by Yu Shinan to Lanting Preface, wooden face. Black gold is refined and carved. It is folded and installed, half open 29.8 cm vertically and 17.3 cm horizontally
Yu Shinan came to the Preface to the Orchid Pavilion, and the ink was traced on the stone. Before Dong Qichang and Chen Jiru called Yu Lin, it was also classified as a copy. This copy was submitted to the Emperor Wenzong of the Yuan Dynasty by Zhang Jinjie Nujin in the Yuan Dynasty. At the end of the copy, there was a small inscription of the Yuan Dynasty: “Zhang Jinjie Nujin in the minister”, and there was a big seal of “the treasure of the calendar” in the Yuan Dynasty, so people in the Ming and Qing dynasties also called it “Lanting Zhang Jinjie Nuben”, or “Tianli Lanting”. In the postscript, Dong Qichang of the Ming Dynasty believed that “it was near Yongxing (Yu Shinan)”, and the inscription of the Qing Liang and Qing Dynasties in the beginning of the volume was also called “Tang Yu Shinan Linxi Tie”. Later, it was renamed Yu Shinan Linben. According to expert research, this is an ancient copy of the Tang Dynasty. Ink was originally collected in the Forbidden City
This post is engraved on the first column of the eight-pillar post of the Lanting Pavilion (Volume 1), and bears the seal of “Summer Resort”, “Treasure of Emperor Qianlong”, etc. The title of the single post is regular script: “Yu Shinan imitates the preface of the Orchid Pavilion”. There are postscripts by Dong Qichang, Chen Jiru and Yang Jiazuo. There are “Yang Ming Shi Yin”, “Tianli Zhi Bao”, “Neifu Book”, “Yizhou Appreciation”, “Liang Qing Biao Yin” and other engravings
The “Orchid Pavilion Eight Pillars” was named after Feng Chengsu’s imitation of the eight volumes of the Orchid Pavilion Preface in Hongli of the Qing Dynasty. The “Orchid Pavilion Eight Pillars” has eight volumes in total. In the forty-fourth year of Qianlong’s reign (1779), it was copied in Neifu. There was a parallel preface to the Orchid Pavilion Eight Pillars in Hongli of the Qing Dynasty. The order of the “Orchid Pavilion Eight Pillars” is: Volume I (the first column): Yu Shinan’s imitation of the Orchid Pavilion Preface. Volume 2 (second column): Chu Suiliang imitates the preface of the Lanting Pavilion. Volume 3 (third column): Feng Chengsu imitates the preface of Lanting. Volume IV (fourth column): Liu Gongquan wrote Lan Ting poems. Volume 5 (the fifth column): The original poem of the Orchid Pavilion written by Liu Gongquan is carved in the Xihong Hall. Volume 6 (the sixth column): Yu Minzhong fills in the Hongtang Opera and carves Liu Gongquan’s calligraphy and orchid pavilion poem. Volume 7 (seventh column): Dong Qichang imitates Liu Gongquan to write and postscript the poem of Lanting. Volume 8 (the eighth column): Hongli Lin Dong Qichang imitates Liu Gongquan’s “Orchid Pavilion Poems”

图片[1]-In the Qing Dynasty, the preface of Yu Shinan’s Eight Pillars of Orchid Pavilion-China Archive
图片[2]-In the Qing Dynasty, the preface of Yu Shinan’s Eight Pillars of Orchid Pavilion-China Archive册页5图片[3]-In the Qing Dynasty, the preface of Yu Shinan’s Eight Pillars of Orchid Pavilion-China Archive册页6图片[4]-In the Qing Dynasty, the preface of Yu Shinan’s Eight Pillars of Orchid Pavilion-China Archive册页7

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