Lang Shining Sentinel Map Axis

[Lang Shining’s Whistle Deer Painting Axis]

The Whistle Deer Painting Axis, Qing Dynasty, painted by Lang Shining, silk, colored, 267.5 cm vertically and 319 cm horizontally
The content of “The Painting of Sentinel Deer” is the live record of the emperor’s visit to Mulan in 1741. The third person in the front row of the picture, wearing the red brocade “sack” (that is, the bag with the bow) and riding the white horse, is the Emperor Qianlong, who was 30 years old this year. In the thirty-ninth year of Qianlong’s reign (1774), he wrote in “The Painting of the Sentinel Deer in the Imperial Caption” that this picture was painted by Lang Shining in the sixth year of Qianlong’s reign (the sixth year of Qianlong’s reign) when he first went to Mulan for a tour. At that time, there were 12 ministers who were older than him, such as Laibao, and Fu Heng, who were younger than him. Today, these ministers are all dead, so they are very sad. Lai Bao died in 1764, the 29th year of Qianlong’s reign. Fu Heng later became an official resident of the Baohe Temple University and was granted the title of Zhong Yong. The person without beard in the front row of the picture may be Fu Heng, but Laibao cannot point out
Mulan is in the north of Jehol. From the construction of the summer resort palace in the 48th year of Kangxi (1709) to the 25th year of Jiaqing (1820), the emperor led the princes and ministers, the Eight Banner Guards, the inner and outer Mongolia and the northern minorities to Mulan for more than 40 days every year (with some breaks). The sentinel deer is a person who has been ordered to blow the horn in advance to imitate the sound of the deer, which can attract many deer. This painting depicts the scene that the whole procession of the line has just entered the Mulan Mountains. Qianlong and some of the main characters in the close shot have the characteristics of western French portraits. It can be seen that it is a painting from life. The clothes and horses are finely portrayed, and the three-dimensional texture is very strong, but the contrast between light and dark is quite soft, which is in harmony with the background of pure Chinese calligraphy, mountains and trees. The atmosphere of the large group of people in the march is vivid and lifelike. Because the example of the characters from far and near is moderate, the picture is more profound. The Emperor Qianlong, the minister in charge of the bodyguard, the front bodyguard and a line of close-up figures, of course, were painted by Lang Shining. However, such a large painting could not be completed by one person. At that time, the painting academy often cooperated with each other. This painting, without exception, must be written by Chinese painters and French painters such as Wang Zhicheng. It is a giant painting of cooperation between Chinese and Western painters.
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