Pasturing Horses

Pasturing Horses

  • Image Number: K2A001289N000000003PAB
  • Dynasty: Tang dynasty
  • Category: uncategorized
  • Author: Han Gan;韓幹
  • Form: 冊(摺裝‧方幅式)
  • Exhibition dimension: 27.5×34.1
  • Description:
    In this painting, a Xi official rode a white horse, led a black horse, and rode with a bridle. The inscription of Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty (1082-1135): “Han Gan’s authentic work, written by Ding Hai.” Han Gan (active in the eighth century) was a famous horse painter during the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty (712-756). Judging from the style of painting, the appearance of Xi officials and the round hips and short legs of horses are the same as the murals in the royal tombs of the Tang Dynasty. It is true that the figures and horses painted in the Tang Dynasty are strong and vigorous in shape, but the lines are detailed and vigorous in description. The continuous use of pens after several prescriptions and the color of brocade pads on the saddles are the style of the Huizong era. This is a copy of the ancient works in the Huizong era, with unique characteristics.

名繪集珍 冊 唐韓幹牧馬圖

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