Kun Canxian Source Map Axis

[Kun Can Fairy Source Map Axis]

The Fairy Source Map axis, Qing Dynasty, Kun Can painting, paper edition, color setting, 84 cm vertical, 42.8 cm horizontal
There are two self-inscribed poems on this painting, which are respectively signed: “Xinchou was written in the middle of Jieyun Pass in August, and lived in seclusion with electricity”, and “Shixi can still accept and write again”. Seal “Jieqiu” Zhu Wen seal, “Shixi” Bai Wen seal, and “Baitu” Zhu Wen seal. “Xin Chou” is the 18th year of Shunzhi (1661), and Kun Can was 50 years old. This picture is his masterpiece when he was most energetic
The name of “The Immortal Source” is derived from the first two words of the poem. According to the content of the poem, “Tiandu guarantees Shiguan, and stands tall in front of Tiandu Peak.” The picture should be Mount Huangshan Tiandu Peak. This painting is based on the “Four Schools of Yuan Dynasty”, especially influenced by Wang Meng. The composition is full, the lines are clear and bold, the ink and color are integrated, the painting style is vigorous and vigorous, and the artistic conception is quiet, wild and sparse. The scenery painted and the poems written in the poem are mutually developed and complement each other, turning the landscape in reality into a living world where people and nature are one. The description of smoke clouds here makes people feel like they are in a strange dreamland. The poems inscribed in the painting are part of the structure of the picture. The blank painting method of smoke clouds and the panoramic composition show different characteristics from western paintings
The seal contains: “The most precious treasure in the world” and so on

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