Luo Pin Ink Plum Chart Axis

[Luo Pin Ink Plum Painting Axis]

Ink Plum Painting Axis, Qing Dynasty, Luo Pin’s work, paper, ink pen, vertical 125.5 cm, horizontal 42.5 cm
Item title: “Bai Yuchan is good at painting plum trees, pruning several kinds of thorns on the plum branches. The flowers are very numerous, and the cold flowers and frozen calyxes are unknown to anyone in the world. The jade chan’s original name is Ge Changgeng. He travels on the sea, and is called Haiqiongzi, also known as Bin’an, Wuyi Sanren, Shenxiao Sanren, Ziqing Zhenren, and is almost immortal. In the past, he saw that his small poems are also clear, but now they are quite compatible. To give him the first name of Liangfengzi, also known as the monk of the temple of flowers, Jinniushan man, Liaozhou fisherman, Lu Qiusheng, and the person born in the day, but It is said that the distance is close to each other for thousands of years. This frame is Mr. Yunfeng’s retrospect of the origin of the Jue plum painting. Mengdong Luopinji of 1911 “. Seal “two peaks” in white. “Jihai” was the forty-fourth year of Qianlong (1779), when Luo Pin was 47 years old
The picture shows the plum blossoms blooming with pride and chilliness, a vibrant scene. The petals in the picture are either painted by imitating Zhao Mengfu’s “water ink” method, or by imitating the “empty circle” normal of the crown of the king of the Yuan Dynasty. The colorless and haloed petals are superimposed and reflected, boasting the beauty of “no one should praise the color, but leave the pure air to fill the world”. This temperament is exactly the pure and unique charm that the author wants to pursue by imitating Ge Changgeng’s plum painting of the Southern Song Dynasty

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