Wu Zhifan’s arm rest on the wall of the old man carved in bamboo

[Wu Zhifan’s arm rest on the wall of the old man with bamboo carving]

Wu Zhifan’s arm rest on the wall of the old man with bamboo carving, Qing Dynasty, Wu Zhifan’s arm rest, 21.5 cm long, 6.4 cm wide and 1.2 cm thick
The arm rest is long, tiled and four-legged. On the front, there is a shallow relief on the cliff of pines. An old man has a wide robe and big sleeves. He raises his head and arms, and holds a pen tube in his hand. It seems that he is writing on the stone wall. Behind the stone platform is placed a scroll of inkstone. The mountains and stones are all square, the faces of the characters are hazy, the patterns are very simple, and the lines are very light, which is a special charm. The back of the instrument is inscribed with the “Wu Zhifan” running script

图片[1]-Wu Zhifan’s arm rest on the wall of the old man carved in bamboo-China Archive
图片[2]-Wu Zhifan’s arm rest on the wall of the old man carved in bamboo-China Archive竹雕老人题壁臂搁局部

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