Wang Yuanqi Dantai Spring Dawn Map Axis

[Wang Yuanqi Dantai Spring Dawn Map Axis]

Dantai Spring Dawn Map Axis, Qing Dynasty, Wang Yuanqi’s painting, paper, ink, 54.6 cm vertical, 30.5 cm horizontal
This picture is self-identification: “This picture is the cooperation of Shanping’s life, the Yujia’s old collection, the Dinghai winter sun imitating the Haidian, Wang Yuanqi.” Qian “Lutai” (Zhu Wenyin), Wang Yuanqi (Bai Wenyin), and “Qianlong Imperial Treasure” (Zhu Wenyin), “Shiqu Treasure Collection” (Zhu Wenyin), etc
According to the inscription, this picture was painted by the author at the age of 66 in the year of “Dinghai”, namely the forty-sixth year of Kangxi’s reign in the Qing Dynasty (1707), imitating Wang Meng of the Yuan Dynasty. The full composition, vigorous momentum, deep artistic conception and the texturing method of mountains and stones all originate from Wang Meng, while the crude brush and multi-layer texturing painting method reveal the author’s own appearance of “ripe but not sweet, raw but not astringent, light and thick, solid and clear”.
图片[1]-Wang Yuanqi Dantai Spring Dawn Map Axis-China Archive

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