Greenland Happy Meet Eight Regiments Dressed Satin Cotton Robe

[Greenland Happy Meet Eight Groups of Makeup Satin Cotton Robe]

Greenland Happy Meet Eight Groups of Makeup Satin Cotton Robe, clear, 138.5 cm in length, 188 cm in full length of two sleeves, and 79.5 cm in train length. The old collection of the Qing Palace
The cotton gown is made of seven two-fly plain satin, with a round neck, a large lapel, a right lapel, a horseshoe sleeve, and a left and right train. The front chest, back, shoulders and front and back flaps of the cotton-padded robe are embroidered with the flower pattern of the eight groups of happy meeting flowers with makeup technique. The collar edge, middle sleeve and horseshoe sleeve are embroidered with folded flowers on the stone blue satin ground. The remaining yellow strips in this garment contain: “A green satin woven cotton gown with eight regiments of flowers”, “It was presented in Fulong’an on November 11, the 33rd year of Qianlong reign”.
图片[1]-Greenland Happy Meet Eight Regiments Dressed Satin Cotton Robe-China Archive
图片[2]-Greenland Happy Meet Eight Regiments Dressed Satin Cotton Robe-China Archive绿地喜相逢八团妆花缎棉袍喜相逢团花图案

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