Expand the Three Queries of Song Mountain in the Eastern Han Dynasty in the early Qing Dynasty

[Expanding the Three Queries of Song Mountain in the Eastern Han Dynasty in the early Qing Dynasty]

The Three Queries of Song Mountain, a rubbings of the early Qing Dynasty, is composed of the inscription on the stone Queries of the Taishi, the inscription on the stone Queries of the Shaoshi and the inscription on the stone Queries of the Kaimu Temple. White paper border, cut and mounted, thick ink extension, a total of 7 and a half, brocade decoration. The Imperial Palace inscription has two rows, each with 14 lines and 9 characters; “The Legend of the Shaoshi Que” is in three and a half, with six characters per 10 lines; The inscription of the Kaimu Temple has two openings, each with 10 lines and 4 characters. There is an autograph of Zhu Yiyu, which is collected and printed in two sides
“Three Queries of Songshan” is the combination of the three Queries of Taishi Stone, Shaoshi Stone and Kaimu Temple. Located in the Songshan area of Henan Province, it is the oldest temple in China
The Taishi Stone Palace is located in the Zhongyue Temple in the Taishi Mountain of Song Mountain. It is the Shinto Palace of the Zhongyue Temple, which is divided into the east and the west. The inscription was carved in the fifth year of the first year of the Eastern Han Dynasty (118). The official script of the text is 27 lines, 9 lines and 10 lines. Seal script on the inscription. Located at the east foot of the Shaoshi Mountain in the west of Dengfeng County, Henan Province, the Shaoshi Stone Pagoda is the Shinto Pagoda in front of the Shaoshi Shaoyi Temple. It was carved in the second year of Yanguang reign of Emperor An of the Eastern Han Dynasty (123 years). Its south side is carved with seal script inscriptions, with 22 lines and 4 characters. Seal script on the inscription. The stone gate of the Kaimu Temple, also known as the stone gate of the Kaimu Temple, was changed from “Kai” to “Kai” because of avoiding the taboo of Liu Qihui, the Emperor of the Han Dynasty. Located at the foot of Wansui Peak in the north of Dengfeng County, Henan Province, this Que is the Shendao Que of Qimu Temple, which was carved in the second year of Yanguang reign of Emperor An of the Eastern Han Dynasty (123 years). The seal script has 32 lines and no amount. The inscription of “Song Mountain Three Queries” expresses the worship of mountain gods
The inscription on the stone palace in the imperial palace is broad and upright, simple and elegant in ancient times, and powerful and vigorous in official script; The seal script of “Shaoshi Shi Que Ming” is broad and simple, and has the characteristics of the ocean; The style of the inscription on the stone Que in the Kaimu Temple is similar to that of the inscription on the stone Que in the Shaoshi Temple, but the font is slightly smaller and the body is square and ancient. The “Shaoshi Shi Que Ming” and “Kaimu Temple Shi Que Ming” are both the top grade of Han seal carving. Kang Youwei once said: “There are only two kinds of seal tablets in the Han Dynasty, such as Shaoshi and Kaimu, which are dense and vigorous. They can be described as the world’s great treasure. The seal script is also on top of the instrument.”.
图片[1]-Expand the Three Queries of Song Mountain in the Eastern Han Dynasty in the early Qing Dynasty-China Archive
图片[2]-Expand the Three Queries of Song Mountain in the Eastern Han Dynasty in the early Qing Dynasty-China Archive嵩山三阙之“太室石阙”拓本之二图片[3]-Expand the Three Queries of Song Mountain in the Eastern Han Dynasty in the early Qing Dynasty-China Archive嵩山三阙之“少室石阙”拓本图片[4]-Expand the Three Queries of Song Mountain in the Eastern Han Dynasty in the early Qing Dynasty-China Archive嵩山三阙之“开母庙石阙”拓本

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