Character Compilation for the Sacred Teachings Preface

Character Compilation for the Sacred Teachings Preface

  • Image Number: K2D000012N000000000PAG
  • Dynasty: Wei, Jin, Southern & Northern Dynasties (Six Dynasties)
  • Category: Calligraphic model books
  • Author: 王羲之
  • Form: 冊(經摺裝)
  • Description:
    The original stele still exists in Xi’an Forest of Steles. The earliest rubbings handed down from generation to generation were in the Northern Song Dynasty. The steles were broken between the Song Dynasty and the Yuan Dynasty. This volume is an unbroken extension. The prefix of “Mercy” of “Saint Mercy” is three strokes broken, and the strokes are filled with ink. The word “Yuan” of “Sheng Yuan” is also filled with ink at the bottom left. It deliberately imitates the characteristics of the rubbings of the Northern Song Dynasty. However, the extension is fine and the words are clear, which is also a good extension of the Southern Song Dynasty. It was collected by Shen Qiyuan (1685-1763), the governor of Taiwan, and was collected in the imperial palace during Jiaqing. I wonder if this volume has ever been to Taiwan more than 200 years ago. However, it was moved to Taiwan with cultural relics and is now stored in our hospital. It can be called a good story about cultural relics.

宋拓聖教序 冊
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