Imperial Recarving of the Chunhua Pavilion Modelbooks

Imperial Recycling of the Chunhua Pavilion Modelbooks

  • Image Number:K2D000204N000000000PAC
  • Dynamy:Neolithic Period
  • Category:Calligraphic model books
  • Author:Da Yu; Sima Pi; Sima Yue; Sima Yan; Sima Yu; Sima Shao; Sima Rui; Sima Yao; Li Shimin; Li Zhi; Yang Jian; Liu Xuan; Liu Yu; Xiao Yan
  • Form:Volume (folded)
  • Description:. Due to many defects and errors in Chunhua Pavilion Calligraphy, the originator of the Northern Song Dynasty Calligraphy, the Emperor Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty had scholars of all dynasties comment on this article. He ordered Confucian officials to make detailed textual research according to the best books in the imperial palace, and to use various interpretations to note the words next to them in turn; At the end of each volume, Qianlong wrote his own imperial knowledge and wrote down the revisions and reasons for changes.
    御製重刻淳化閣帖 (一) 冊

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