Meiqing Mountain Flowchart Axis

[Meiqing Mountain Flowing Water Map Axis]

Mountain Flowing Water Map Axis, Qing, Meiqing, paper, ink pen, 249.5 cm vertically and 121 cm horizontally
The picture depicts a magnificent landscape of mountains and rivers, with steep rocks standing proudly among the peaks, and waterfalls flying down from the mountain walls. Waterfalls and mountains highlight the theme of high mountains and flowing water, and create a quiet and open artistic conception. Although the title is imitated by “Shitian Old Man’s brushwork” (Shen Zhou), it reflects the characteristics of Mei’s style of painting in his later years, such as thick brush, scorched ink and moss, and vigorous brushwork
The signature: “High mountains and flowing water. Imitate the pen of the old man Shitian. On the day before the Mid-Autumn Festival of 1898, Qushan Meiqing was seventy years old.” The seal “hale and clear” was printed by Bai Wenyin, “Yuangong” was printed by Zhu Wenyin, “old people look at the green mountain eyes” was printed by Bai Wenyin, and “Tianyan Pavilion Book” was printed by Zhu Wenyin. The collection is printed with “Panzhai Secret Play”, etc
“Jiaxu” was the thirty-third year of Kangxi’s reign in the Qing Dynasty (1649), when Meiqing was 72 years old

图片[1]-Meiqing Mountain Flowchart Axis-China Archive

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