Gu Embroidery Xiangguo Happy Picture Axis

[Gu Embroidery Xiangguo Xiaoyao Picture Axis]

Gu Embroidery Xiangguo Xiaoyao Picture Axis is 143 cm long and 40 cm wide in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties
This picture axis is embroidered with patterns of clouds and mists, bamboo forests, streams, bridges, lakes and stones, and figures on the natural silk ground, showing the pleasant life scene of the Duke of the Xiangguo drinking alone in a quiet and elegant environment. The work adopts the decoration method of two-color halo, and is embroidered with flat needle, set needle, net needle, rolling needle, winding needle, etc. The patterns in the painting are mostly outlined with embroidery lines, and then the moss is rendered with the colors of stone blue, stone green, and ochre, which fully shows the expression method of combining the embroidery and painting of Gu embroidery. The work not only absorbs the traditional techniques of Chinese painting to draw lines and fill colors, but also maintains the unique charm of colored silk thread walking upstream of the fabric, and achieves the visual effect of giving attention to both work and writing and relaxing nature through painting and coloring. The ink book on the painting reads, “Where do you enjoy your leisure in the prime minister’s country, and how do you enjoy yourself in the depths of the bamboo forest”. Zhu embroidery “Lu Xiang Yuan” and “Hu Tou”
This picture is an excellent Gu embroidery work with regular and fine embroidery and natural and elegant color.
图片[1]-Gu Embroidery Xiangguo Happy Picture Axis-China Archive

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