Large round box with carved dragon and phoenix patterns

[Large round box with carved dragon and phoenix patterns]

Large round box with carved dragon and phoenix patterns, 18.9 cm in height and 42.9 cm in diameter
The box is round with red, green, yellow and other colors. The cover is carved with three stars in high light, waves, river rocks and flying dragons and phoenix, interwoven into a complicated and dynamic picture. The top of the splashing spray has the characters of “Swastika” and “Shou”. The wall and body are also carved with dragon and phoenix and flowing clouds, sea water and river cliff patterns. The upper and lower edges are carved with an oblique square ferrule, and the middle of the square ferrule is carved with a silver ingot pattern, which is rigorous and neat. The inside and outside of the vessel are painted with black light paint, and there is a knife engraved with gold regular script “made in Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty” in the middle of the bottom
The carving is fine, the blade is deep and steep, the decoration is complicated and fluid, especially the feather of the phoenix body is as thin as brush silk, and the hair is slightly embedded, and the phoenix tail is taken in layers, showing a clear and accurate layer of color paint, and has the aesthetic feeling of swinging with the wind. The sharp edges and lines of the blade are clear, and there is no grinding, which is quite different from the style and features of the early Ming Dynasty carved lacquer with hidden edges, thick and round

图片[1]-Large round box with carved dragon and phoenix patterns-China Archive
图片[2]-Large round box with carved dragon and phoenix patterns-China Archive剔彩龙凤纹大圆盒敞开状图片[3]-Large round box with carved dragon and phoenix patterns-China Archive剔彩龙凤纹大圆盒盖面(明嘉靖)

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