Luo Xiaohua’s Cao E tablet ink

[Luo Xiaohua’s CaoE tablet ink]

Luo Xiaohua’s CaoE tablet ink is bright, 9.1 cm high, 2.5 cm wide, 0.9 cm thick, and 31.5 g. The old collection of the Qing Palace
The ink is rectangular, with three characters of “Cao’e Stele” in the upper part of the front and eight characters of “Jijiu, the grandchild of the yellow silk young woman” in the lower part. There is a groove on the back, which is vertically arranged with the four characters of “wonderful words” in the running script in Yangwen, and the three characters of “small Huazang”, which is the famous name of the author of the regular script in Yangwen. It can be seen from this that this ink was no later than the time when Luo Xiaohua, a famous Mohist, lived in the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty.
图片[1]-Luo Xiaohua’s Cao E tablet ink-China Archive
图片[2]-Luo Xiaohua’s Cao E tablet ink-China Archive罗小华曹娥碑墨背面

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